Trusted leadership for fiscal responsibility and educational excellence

Meet Katherine


I’m a parent of two children who have grown up in the Rye schools and are now in 5th and 8th grade at Rye Junior High. Since 2022, I have had the privilege of serving on the Rye School Board, working alongside an incredible team of educators, administrators, and fellow board members to support and strengthen our schools. I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished together and excited for the opportunity to continue serving our community.

My background is in nonprofit strategic planning--for almost 20 years, I have helped organizations to establish their goals and priorities in order to maximize their social impact. Through this work, I have facilitated diverse groups, made room for many viewpoints, and created the space for productive dialogue, discussion and goal-setting. I believe these skills are an asset to the Board as it sets objectives for academic excellence and works to measure progress toward those goals.

Locally, I volunteer as a Rye youth soccer coach and serve on the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Investment Committee.  I have also served for the last two years as the School Board's representative on the Rye Town Budget Committee. I have an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and a BA from Brown University.

I would love your vote this March!

“I’ve enjoyed working alongside Katherine Errecart on the Budget Committee. Katherine has proven adept at balancing the interests of the town and school communities against the cost of providing students and families with an award-winning education. The School Board worked closely with administrators and staff to achieve a 2025-2026 school budget that matches the current rate of inflation. As a member of the Budget Committee, Katherine brings the same fiscal discipline to the town’s budget discussions, asking insightful questions and distilling things to the most salient details. I look forward to Katherine’s continued contributions in the coming years.”

— Kate Dumas, Rye Town Budget Committee Vice Chair

Key accomplishments over the last three years

A Clear Vision for Student Success

With extensive community input and Superintendent Zadravec’s leadership, we adopted a new SAU50 Strategic Plan (our Portrait of a Learner), setting a strong vision for the skills and characteristics we aim to cultivate in our students.

Strong, Stable Leadership

We successfully navigated key leadership transitions, hiring a new Superintendent and two new building Principals, as well as several Central Office staff. I’m thrilled with the talented team we’ve assembled and confident in their ability to lead our schools forward.

Enhanced Student Learning

We’ve strengthened instruction through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and expanded Student Choice offerings—approaches that help to ensure every child remains engaged and reaches their full potential.

Responsible Budgeting

As the School Board’s representative on the Town Budget Committee for the past two years, I’m proud that we have crafted a responsible school budget that aligns with inflation while prioritizing student success.

Investing in School Facilities & Safety

We implemented a new Capital Improvement Plan to strategically prioritize and sequence maintenance projects, addressing long-overdue needs while enhancing student safety.

Technology Upgrades

We modernized our school’s technology infrastructure, including a full rewiring and new fiber optic network for high-speed connectivity.

Improvement to School Meals

We introduced a new food service program, expanding the quality and variety of meal options for students while also providing clearer allergen information to accommodate all dietary needs.

Recognition for Excellence

Thanks to our outstanding teachers and staff, Rye Junior High was a finalist for the NH Excellence in Education Middle School of the Year award, while Rye Elementary earned the prestigious National Blue Ribbon School title and was honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C.

My priorities for the next three years

  • I want to ensure that our schools continue to deliver top-tier education. A key part of this is improving how we track and use student data in meaningful ways. I will support our administrators to collect robust and actionable data that helps teachers connect each student’s strengths and growth areas to the traits outlined in our Portrait of a Learner. By making this information accessible and practical, we can support every student’s learning journey and ensure they develop the knowledge and skills needed for success.

  • Our district’s strategic plan underscores the importance of cultivating respectful, engaged, and collaborative citizens. Now more than ever, it is essential to nurture students who care about their community, seek to understand others, and are willing to give back. I’m excited to help advance initiatives that expand community service projects, mentoring opportunities, and student government programs—giving students meaningful ways to connect, contribute, and grow as future leaders.

  • I remain committed to balancing excellence in education with responsible spending, honoring the trust that taxpayers place in us. As a School Board, we must make thoughtful short-term decisions that meet student needs while ensuring efficient use of resources. At the same time, we must take a long-term view—planning for cyclical demographic shifts and adapting to enrollment changes to maintain financial stability. Smart, strategic budgeting allows us to invest in our schools today while ensuring they remain strong and sustainable for years to come.

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